249 research outputs found

    Physical Agents and Therapeutic Modalities: Main Concepts Implicated in Physiotherapy Treatment Prescription and Into Advanced Physical Therapy Practice

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    Background: physical agents and therapeutic modalities; two concepts that there is no agreement on their definitions. This leads to a complex phenomena of cognitive construction about what the Physiotherapist are qualified, and required to do. Purpose: to know about the context, conceptualization and updating of both terms. Methods: an electronic search was carried out in the most pertinent databases (PEDro, PubMed, ClinicalKey and OTSeeker). The search strategy was performed in three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese), based on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology (PRISMA). The keywords used for the search were “Physical Agents” AND “Physiotherapy”; “Therapeutic Modalities” AND “Physiotherapy”. Subsequently, an advanced filtering was carried out through the Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Review Articles (SANRA). Results: on PubMed there was a result of 8665 studies displayed but only 3 were accepted; in PEDro only 53 results were obtained, 1 of them was accepted and 1 was eliminated because it was repeated. In ClinicalKey there were a total of 1012 results but none were accepted, and in OTSeeker no search results were founded. On the other hand, there were 15 bibliographies that was aviability and were accessed, which only 5 of them met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: findings shows a serious issue in terms of conceptualizing what a physiotherapist must do on its professional practice. It could be assumed that they may be two concepts that do not put forward a certain importance from the academic, scientific and/or clinical practice perspective

    Physical Agents and Therapeutic Modalities: Main Concepts Implicated in Physiotherapy Treatment Prescription and Into Advanced Physical Therapy Practice

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    Background: physical agents and therapeutic modalities; two concepts that there is no agreement on their definitions. This leads to a complex phenomena of cognitive construction about what the Physiotherapist are qualified, and required to do. Purpose: to know about the context, conceptualization and updating of both terms. Methods: an electronic search was carried out in the most pertinent databases (PEDro, PubMed, ClinicalKey and OTSeeker). The search strategy was performed in three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese), based on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology (PRISMA). The keywords used for the search were “Physical Agents” AND “Physiotherapy”; “Therapeutic Modalities” AND “Physiotherapy”. Subsequently, an advanced filtering was carried out through the Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Review Articles (SANRA). Results: on PubMed there was a result of 8665 studies displayed but only 3 were accepted; in PEDro only 53 results were obtained, 1 of them was accepted and 1 was eliminated because it was repeated. In ClinicalKey there were a total of 1012 results but none were accepted, and in OTSeeker no search results were founded. On the other hand, there were 15 bibliographies that was aviability and were accessed, which only 5 of them met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: findings shows a serious issue in terms of conceptualizing what a physiotherapist must do on its professional practice. It could be assumed that they may be two concepts that do not put forward a certain importance from the academic, scientific and/or clinical practice perspective

    Physical Agents and Therapeutic Modalities: Main Concepts Implicated in Physiotherapy Treatment Prescription and Into Advanced Physical Therapy Practice

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    Background: physical agents and therapeutic modalities; two concepts that there is no agreement on their definitions. This leads to a complex phenomena of cognitive construction about what the Physiotherapist are qualified, and required to do. Purpose: to know about the context, conceptualization and updating of both terms. Methods: an electronic search was carried out in the most pertinent databases (PEDro, PubMed, ClinicalKey and OTSeeker). The search strategy was performed in three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese), based on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology (PRISMA). The keywords used for the search were “Physical Agents” AND “Physiotherapy”; “Therapeutic Modalities” AND “Physiotherapy”. Subsequently, an advanced filtering was carried out through the Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Review Articles (SANRA). Results: in PubMed there was a result of 8665 studies displayed but only 3 were accepted; in PEDro only 53 results were obtained, 1 of them was accepted and 1 was eliminated because it was repeated. In ClinicalKey there were a total of 1012 results but none were accepted, and in OTSeeker no search results were founded. On the other hand, there were 15 bibliographies that was aviability and were accessed, which only 5 of them met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: findings shows a serious issue in terms of conceptualizing what a physiotherapist must do on its professional practice. It could be assumed that they may be two concepts that do not put forward a certain importance from the academic, scientific and/or clinical practice perspective

    Physical Agents and Therapeutic Modalities: Main Concepts Implicated in Physiotherapy Treatment Prescription and Into Advanced Physical Therapy Practice

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    Background: physical agents and therapeutic modalities; two concepts that there is no agreement on their definitions. This leads to a complex phenomena of cognitive construction about what the Physiotherapist are qualified, and required to do. Purpose: to know about the context, conceptualization and updating of both terms. Methods: an electronic search was carried out in the most pertinent databases (PEDro, PubMed, ClinicalKey and OTSeeker). The search strategy was performed in three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese), based on preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology (PRISMA). The keywords used for the search were “Physical Agents” AND “Physiotherapy”; “Therapeutic Modalities” AND “Physiotherapy”. Subsequently, an advanced filtering was carried out through the Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Review Articles (SANRA). Results: in PubMed there was a result of 8665 studies displayed but only 3 were accepted; in PEDro only 53 results were obtained, 1 of them was accepted and 1 was eliminated because it was repeated. In ClinicalKey there were a total of 1012 results but none were accepted, and in OTSeeker no search results were founded. On the other hand, there were 15 bibliographies that was aviability and were accessed, which only 5 of them met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: findings shows a serious issue in terms of conceptualizing what a physiotherapist must do on its professional practice. It could be assumed that they may be two concepts that do not put forward a certain importance from the academic, scientific and/or clinical practice perspective

    SIMNET: simulation-based exercises for computer net-work curriculum through gamification and augmented reality

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    Gamification and Augmented Reality techniques, in recent years, have tackled many subjects and environments. Its implementation can, in particular, strengthen teaching and learning processes in schools and universities. Therefore, new forms of knowledge, based on interactions with objects, contributing game, experimentation and collaborative work. Through the technologies mentioned above, we intend to develop an application that serves as a didactic tool, giving support in the area of Computer Networks. This application aims to stand out in simulated controlled environments to create computer networks, taking into ac-count the necessary physical devices and the different physical and logical topologies. The main goal is to enrich the students’ learning experiences and contrib-ute to teacher-student interaction, through collaborative learning provided by the tool, minimizing the need for expensive equipment in learning environments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The cuticular hydrocarbons of the Triatoma sordida species subcomplex (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)

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    The cuticular hydrocarbons of the Triatoma sordida subcomplex (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae) were ana- lysed by gas chromatography and their structures identified by mass spectrometry. They comprised mostly n-alkanes and methyl-branched alkanes with one-four methyl substitutions. n-alkanes consisted of a homologous series from C21-C33 and represented 33-45% of the hydrocarbon fraction; n-C29 was the major component. Methyl-branched alkanes showed alkyl chains from C24-C43. High molecular weight dimethyl and trimethylalkanes (from C35-C39) represented most of the methyl-branched fraction. A few tetramethylalkanes were also detected, comprising mostly even-numbered chains. Several components such as odd-numbered 3-methylalkanes, dimethylalkanes and trimethylalkanes of C37 and C39 showed patterns of variation that allowed the differentiation of the species and populations studied. Triatoma guasayana and Triatoma patagonica showed the most distinct hydrocarbon patterns within the subcomplex. The T. sordida populations from Brazil and Argentina showed significantly different hydrocarbon profiles that posed concerns regarding the homogeneity of the species. Triatoma garciabesi had a more complex hydrocarbon pattern, but it shared some similarity with T. sordida. The quantitative and qualitative variations in the cuticular hydrocarbons may help to elucidate the relationships between species and populations of this insect group.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    Análisis de la Informalidad de las MYPES del sector comercio y su influencia en el acceso a los créditos que ofrece el Sistema Financiero en Arequipa Metropolitana, 2014

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    El presente trabajo de investigación “Análisis de la informalidad de las mypes del sector comercio y su influencia en el acceso a los créditos que ofrece el sistema financiero en Arequipa Metropolitana, 2014”, se realizó en 376 micro y pequeñas empresas del sector comercio. El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo-explicativo; para la recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento un cuestionario enfocado principalmente a los micro y pequeños empresarios. El análisis de la información se realizó con el estadístico de prueba de Pearson. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: El sector comercio en Arequipa en su mayoría está conformada por pequeñas empresas (59.25%; de los cuales el 56.50% se dedica al comercio de alimentos y 34.5% a vestido. El 80.75% accedió algún tipo de financiamiento, 86.38% solicitó para capital de trabajo, 39.01% en cajas municipales y 30.03% en otras financieras; además el 97.83% manifestó que volvería solicitar un nuevo crédito. Uno de los principales resultados resulta ser que la perspectiva del sector comercio para el crecimiento de las microempresas el 46.2% opina que es bueno, sobre el desarrollo productivo el 36.9% percibe estancamiento por la fuerte competencia y el 30.8% menciona la situación eco país. Respecto al desarrollo de las actividades administrativas, el 49.2% de las microempresas consideran que es bueno, el 63.1% considera que el crédito sirve para impulsar la formalización, 37.3% utiliza el crédito como capital de trabajo; pero el 49.2% no accede por los altos intereses, en tanto el 72.3% afirma que deben reducirse los requisitos. El 33.8% opina que el apoyo del estado es deficiente. 56.9% opina que el crédito financiamiento eleva la productividad, y el 90.8% opina que mejora la imagen institucional. Dentro de los factores internos se encontró el acceso limitado a las fuentes financieras por existir muchos requisitos; aunque existe la fortaleza de contar con capitales propios, con capacidad de innovar, conocimiento de estrategias y mano de obra capacitada. Como factor externo existe mucha competencia con microempresas de similares características, a pesar de contar con entidades financieras a elegir de mejores opciones. Por tanto, se confirma que la informalidad en las microempresas no está permitiendo acceder a los créditos que ofrece el sistema financiero en Arequipa Metropolitana

    Un método relativista general para estimar la razón masa/distancia de un agujero negro mediante observaciones

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    "En este trabajo se muestra un método de relatividad general para estimar la razón de la masa de un agujero negro entre la distancia que nos separa del mismo. Dicha estimación se realiza mediante el uso de datos registrados para corrimientos al rojo y azul, los cuales están presentes en fotones emitidos por máseres de agua que orbitan dicho agujero negro en trayectorias geodésicas. En este caso se estudiarán algunos sistemas astrofísicos registrados en el Megamaser Cosmology Project, como son UGC3789 y ESO558-G009, en los cuales consideraremos que existe un agujero negro súper masivo en el núcleo de cada uno de estos sistemas galácticos astrofísicos"

    diseño de investigación del plan de contingencia para la operación sostenible de la empresa eléctrica del departamento de Guatemala durante un estado de emergencia nacional.

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    Propone un plan de contingencia para la Empresa Eléctrica del departamento de Guatemala, que le permita operar de forma sostenible durante un estado de emergencia similar al que se vivió durante el año 2020; sin que la empresa se vea impactada económicamente de la misma manera, a la vez que toma en cuenta las condiciones económicas de sus clientes

    Diferentes Dosis de la Bacteria Azotobacter en el Rendimiento de Papa (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Variedad Única Bajo Condiciones de Invernadero en el Fundo “La Banda”. Huasacache. Arequipa. 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo bajo las condiciones edafoclimáticas del Fundo “La Banda”, Huasacache (Arequipa). Se estudiaron tres dosis de Bacteria Azotobacter, una dosis de fertilización química y un Tratamiento Testigo, aplicadas al Cultivo papa (Solanum tuberosum L.). Las dosis del biofertilizante fueron 1 litro/200 litros, 1.5 litros/200 litros y 2 litros/200 litros, y fertilización química (150-120-90). Se empleó el Diseño Completamente al Azar (DCA) con cinco Tratamientos y tres repeticiones. El experimento se condujo en macetas, bajo cobertura de plástico. Las variables evaluadas fueron, longitud radicular, altura de planta, área foliar, número de tubérculos /planta y rendimiento de tubérculos expresado en kg/planta. No hubo significación estadística para área foliar, numero de tubérculos, longitud radicular y rendimiento a los 120 dds. En tratamientos 5,4 y 3 no hubo significancia estadística entre ellos; pero si frente a los tratamientos 2 y 1, en altura de planta a los 120 dds Palabras Claves: Bacteria Azotobacter, Variedad única, Invernadero.Tesi